2017 年 12 月 29 日
摘要:同学们在写作文或者做阅读的时候应该都遇到过这种情况,那就是一个词组的两种用法,比如:take sth. into consideration和take into consideration sth.,这两种用法有什么区别呢?下面我们就来看一个同学们问到的问题,看看朗播老师是如何回答的。
## 学生提问
以很常见的take into consideration为例吧,我见到过两种用法
1.take sth. into consideration
2.take into consideration sth.
## 权威解答
有的时候是为了避免头重脚轻,有的时候是因为 something 有定语修饰,因为定语要就近跟着名词,如果是 sth +定语好长一串,再加上 into consideration,会读起来有点长,定语如果再是个定语从句,就更长了,不如放到后面去。 类似的还有bring sth to light, 可以说成 bring to light something, 如:Once before in this century, the relentless curiosity of scientific researchers brought to light forces of nature in the power of the atom, the mastery of which has shaped the destiny of nations and over-shadowed all our lives.
## 知识点梳理
① In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation <u>of observed events</u>.
② Possible solutions <u>to the problem</u> are formulated.
① They rushed over to help the man <u>whose car had broken down</u>.
② The school <u>that he once studied in</u> is very famous.
通过以上的讲解,大家应该对take into consideration这一个词组的两种用法有了比较深刻的理解了。大家在遇到类似词组的时候要注意积累掌握,这样我们才能够在阅读和写作中正确理解和使用该词组,进而提升我们的整体能力。