2017 年 11 月 17 日
>“My most frustrating job was cooking for alocal fast food restaurant during my junior year in high school. No matter howhard I tried, I never could cook what the menu said because the food companyalways delivered the wrong food or brought it late. I also was always frustratedbecause I had trouble estimating how much food to cook. Many times we ran shortof hamburgers or had to throw away pounds and pounds of French fries. Sometimeswe ate the extra French fries, though, and we’d sit around, joking and having agood time. The worst thing, however, was the condition of my clothes after themeal was over. Even if I hadn’t spilled anything (and I usually had spilledsome kind of sauce), my clothes smelled awful. I’d want to go home to changebefore going anyplace else. Some of the managers also spilled food and wantedto change, too. No wonder, then, I thought cooking in a fast food restaurant was frustrating.
第一句是关于 eat French fries and have a good time. 第二个句是 manymanagers spilling food and having to change clothes. 这两句话和主题这份在餐厅的工作是令人沮丧的没有直接的关系。
>“My most frustrating job was cooking for alocal fast food restaurant during my junior year in high school. No matter howhard I tried, I never could cook what the menu said because the food companyalways delivered the wrong food or brought it late. I also was always frustratedbecause I had trouble estimating how much food to cook. Many times we ran shortof hamburgers or had to throw away pounds and pounds of French fries. The worstthing, however, was the condition of my clothes after the meal was over. Evenif I hadn’t spilled anything (and I usually had spilled some kind of sauce), myclothes smelled awful. I’d want to go home to change before going anyplaceelse. No wonder, then, I thought cooking in a fast food restaurant was frustrating.
>1. 原因解释
>2. 中心的反复提及
>3. 过渡词
>In the early morning, I am easily annoyedby my roommate. I have to shut the ice-covered windows. A white tornado ofdandruff swirls around the room. A mass of smoke from cigarettes hovers nearthe door. No wonder I find my roommate annoy.
>In the early morning, I am easily annoyedby my roommate. I have to shut the ice-covered windows that John, my roommate,insists on opening every night, even during the winter. A white tornado ofdandruff swirling around the room shows me that his dandruff problem is stillin full force. A mass of smoke from John’s pack a day habit hovers near thedoor. No wonder I find my roommate annoy.
>In the early morning, I am easily annoyedby my roommate. I am annoyed each time I have to shut the ice-covered windowsthat John, my roommate, insists on opening every night, even during the winter.A disgusting white tornado of dandruff swirling around the room shows me thathis dandruff problem is still in full force. A mass of stale smoke from John’spack a day habit hovers near the door. No wonder I find my roommate annoy.
这段话,我们通过不断的提及中心词:annoyed, disgusting, stale,让读者不需要作出努力就可以理解文字表达中心情感。最后,我们对于文段提出的修改一件,应该是使得文段内容更紧密连接,而不是一个支撑内容加一个支撑内容的过。
>In the early morning, I am easily annoyedby my roommate. For example, I am annoyed each time I have to shut theice-covered windows that John, my roommate, insists on opening every night,even during the winter. I am also disgusted by a white tornado of dandruffswirling around the room shows me that his dandruff problem is still in fullforce. Most bothersome, though, is the choking mass of stale smoke from John’spack a day habit hovers near the door. No wonder I find my roommate annoy.